
Spirit Day

Your Zoom Class!

Bring your stuffie to Zoom day!

International Walk & Roll Week

The students, parents, and teachers at Earhart will celebrate International Walk and Roll Week from October 19 -23. This is a great opportunity to celebrate our health, the environment, and our school spirit. With the suggestions below, we’re hoping every student will participate. What’s going on? » Lots of walking and rolling! » Individual “passports” for students to track progress and log activities. » Fun theme days every day! » Activities for kids to do in their neighborhood or inside their homes. » Drawing for prizes for kids of all ages. A physically distant celebration! While students are learning at home, students and their families should 

Go Green Shoe Drive Recycling Event

The Earhart Go Green Committee is pleased to announce our upcoming shoe drive, in collaboration with Green Teams from Otis and Edison Elementary Schools, during the week of 10/19 - 10/23. We are currently seeking "host homes" for shoe collection bins. Bins can be as simple as a large cardboard box with a sign on it. If you are willing to host a donation collection bin outside your home or local business for that week, please contact Andie Cultrera, . (Details on the drive and guidelines for donations will be available after donation bin locations have been secured.)

October PTA Meeting

Join us via Zoom for our monthly PTA meeting. Please find the zoom link in the weekly PTA newsletter.

First Day of School

Earhart Elementary School 400 Packet Landing, Alameda, CA, United States

Coastal Cleanup

Dear Earhart Ocean Guardians, Our school is participating in the first coastal cleanup of the year! Fresh water from our streams drain into the bay's saltwater creating an ecosystem that hosts diverse plant and animal life. This kind of habitat is called an estuary, and it lies right in front of our school's doorstep! As we are profoundly connected to other aquatic, aviary and terrestrial species besides ourselves, we aim to maintain the health of our estuaries. Plastic litter makes its way to the waterways, and weathers to become smaller and smaller particles that fish and birds consume. We can pick up 

September PTA Meeting via Zoom

Please join us for the September PTA Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 4884 3515 Passcode: 94502