3.10 Advocacy Update: Onsite after-school care at AUSD
The next AUSD Board meeting will be held Tuesday, March 14, beginning at 6:30 pm. The meeting agenda, participation instructions, and other info can be found here. Note Item #E.6 (consent calendar) awards RFP No. 023-049-01 Expanded Learning Opportunities Program to Right at School for district subsidized afterschool programming at nine school sites, including Earhart, for a one-year period with district options to renew for two additional one-year terms.
You may have heard that during the Feb 28 Board meeting (agenda and video here; Item #F.1) the District presented an update on a state-mandated expansion of afterschool care programming. The Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-P) required AUSD to competitively bid for this district funded and subsidized qualifying students’ after-school program. There were concerns from some school sites (including Earhart with AIK) and current providers that this change may displace existing onsite after-school programs. District staff and Board members acknowledged the intent is to provide expanded opportunities for all students and not to displace current providers. Specific school sites will have to determine how and what programming they are able to accommodate. Board member Megan Sweet suggested at some sites (i.e., Franklin Elementary), they may look into opening up classrooms to allow multiple programs on campus.
If this School Board and District decision concern you, you have questions about the incoming provider, or you have a student in AIK and would like AIK to remain on Earhart’s campus, consider contacting the Board, Superintendent (email), and Earhart Principal.