3.14 School Board Meeting Updates
The School Board met on March 14 and approved Consent Calendar Item # E.6, the ELO-P contract for expanded onsite after-school care (read more here from the 3.10 Advocacy Update). A representative from Girls Inc, who runs AIK onsite at Earhart, did speak during public comment to thank the District for confirming school sites will work with existing providers to provide space for multiple after-school care programs.
An important note for the future on Item F.3 (Approval of Second Interim Financial Report) was discussed concerning the sun setting of Measure B1. See the screenshot from the slide deck below projecting a District-wide budget deficit in FY25-26 should the measure note be renewed. The measure provides approximately $12 million annually for District operations. The Board will likely seek reauthorization of the measure in the near future.