The PTA is grateful that the Alameda Theatre and Cineplex is selling $10 tickets to the ENTIRE summer movie series. All ticket sales go to Earhart’s PTA. You can learn more and order HERE. All orders placed online will be available for pickup in the Earhart Main Office on June 2. This is an incredible deal – please check it out.
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With our days winding down, I am wholeheartedly grateful to so many people who jumped into action this year, but especially to the 22/23 PTA Executive Board: Gemma Barajas, Sara Bauermeister, Jason Klechka, Tiffany McBride, Erin Reichert, Stephanie San Juan, Monica Fischer, Soni Obinger, and Christopher Marsh. Thank you for your leadership and support during a year that began with uncertainty but is ending with a buzz of optimism. At last Tuesday’s final PTA meeting of the year, the board officers for the 23/24 school year were elected into office: President – Jen Russo Executive Vice President – Gemma Barajas Treasurer …
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Thank you to all of our PTA members for funding the meals and treats the teachers and staff have received so far this week! Tuesday was a delicious lunch from Tahina, and today teachers and staff will receive a treat box to take home. Thank you also to everyone who volunteered your time to decorate campus, bring flowers, and donated pampering products. Because of your overwhelming generosity, we had so many pampering products that we were able to set up a take-home relaxation buffet! Teachers and staff were able to select products to enjoy at home. To round out the …
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Next year we get to look forward to a fresh start knowing that volunteers will continue to be welcomed on campus and events will proceed in full. Now is a valuable time to take inventory of PTA’s strengths and opportunities and set the incoming board up for success. Your input is greatly needed and incredibly valued! 1. We would like everyone to complete this simple questionnaire about your general involvement with PTA. There are no required questions, and most of them are answer selections. Your responses will help form next year’s goals and areas of focus. The questionnaire will close on Friday, …
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Join your friends on April 28th in the MPR for a showing of Disney’s Strange World. Doors open at 6:00 pm, and the movie starts at 6:30 pm. Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is May 8 – 12, and lots of volunteers are needed to make this week a success! Visit this link to sign up for volunteer opportunities.
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Drumroll please…the classes who won 100% participation in reading and/or fundraising participation are: Ms. Fong (1st grade) Ms. Aldrich (2nd grade) Ms. Suzuki (3rd grade) Ms. Morgan (3rd grade) The class with the highest average minutes read was Ms. Morgan’s class! Each of these classes will get to choose a special class party: making slime, building Lego challenges, or a bubble extravaganza. The top readers in each grade will receive $50 in Scholastic Dollars and are: SDC: Massimo Pell TK: Almaas Salehi 1: Madison Grosky 2: Wave Lucas 3: Leo Vauvert 4: Joanna Yu 5: Titus Wang Finally, I want to recognize our top 5 …
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Coastal Cleanup (8:30 am) Let’s take action together! Parents and students meet in the Earhart parking lot. All equipment needed will be provided. Spring Garden Party (9:30 am – 11 am) We will culminate our Eart Week activities by making our school gardens beautiful and ready to host helpful pollinators. Families are invited to join us and participate in planting, seeding, weeding, and much more. We will have snacks and a GARDEN SCAVENGER HUNT!
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Reducing your Carbon Footprint and Tackling Plastic Pollution (8:45 am in the MPR) Presentation by Go Green PTA Committee Chair Idania Zamora, a climate scientist from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Earth Day Music Concert (1:20 pm – Dismissal) Parents are invited to watch the concert in the yard. Please remind your students to wear and bring sun protection for the concert (e.g., hats, sunglasses, sunblock) and avoid heavy or dark-colored clothes to avoid overheating.
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Have you seen our exciting new neighbors here on Bay Farm? The bald eagles! Your children will learn about the ecology of bald eagles and the threats they face from climate change through a video recorded by our Go Green PTA team member Christine Gehrig Downie, an environmental scientist from Berkeley.
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Bread Tag Recycling Event (through May 12) Please collect your bread tags starting today! Bread tags will be donated to the non-profit organization Danielle Care for Chairs, which uses the revenue from recycling bread tags to purchase mobility products, like wheelchairs for those in need. See the flyer for more details. Celebrate Earth Week with Garden Club 1:50 pm – 2:50 pm by the science building Help us create compost for the school garden and learn how to plant food scraps. See the flyer for materials to collect by grade level.
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Walk & Roll to School (AM) Beginning today, families are encouraged to walk and roll to school! There is no better way to celebrate our earth, health, and school spirit than by walking and rolling to school alongside each other. No Idling Pick-Up Zone (PM) Turn off your engine while waiting to pick up your children or when parked for more than 10 seconds. Idling vehicles contribute to air pollution and emit air toxins, which are pollutants known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects.
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Please pardon the last-minute request, but we need a few volunteers to help with some odd jobs around the school this week. If you can help, simply respond to this email. Thanks in advance! Hanging up lost & found items; Wednesday, 4/5, 8:30 am – 9:30 am; 2 – 3 parents (the more there are, the faster it goes!) Sorting Read-A-Thon envelopes, Thursday, 4/6, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm, 3 – 6 parents (if you can only stay for a portion of the time, that’s ok) And after all the lost & found has been sorted and hung up, please …
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The last day to upload your photos for yearbook consideration is Monday after the break. The final day for yearbook preorders and free shipping to school is Friday, May 5th. To upload pictures, visit After logging in, click on the “Share Photos” link next to the camera icon in the upper right corner. Please select the appropriate section when uploading. Sections include Candids for each grade PE Media Center Music Green Team Science Readathon Art Halloween Spirit Days Winter Holiday Spirit Spring Holiday Spirit Earhart Families While you are on the website, you can preorder your yearbook and receive free …
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The primary responsibility of this role is taking notes at meetings (general and board) and posting the minutes to our Google Drive. Please be in touch with our nominating committee if you would like to learn more!
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We kicked off the Earhart Garden Club on March 8th, and we’ve made immense progress from weeding and seeding to making our Garden Journals. We’ve learned so much, but I must say the kid’s favorite so far has been finding and learning about the worms and ladybugs that enrich our soil! Thank you to all who donated cardboard boxes to help prevent weeds and plastic containers to make greenhouses in March. April is going to be so fun, and we invite kids TK-5th grade to join our FREE club on Wednesdays. The Garden Club will sponsor four events during Earth …
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The School Board met on March 14 and approved Consent Calendar Item # E.6, the ELO-P contract for expanded onsite after-school care (read more here from the 3.10 Advocacy Update). A representative from Girls Inc, who runs AIK onsite at Earhart, did speak during public comment to thank the District for confirming school sites will work with existing providers to provide space for multiple after-school care programs. An important note for the future on Item F.3 (Approval of Second Interim Financial Report) was discussed concerning the sun setting of Measure B1. See the screenshot from the slide deck below projecting a District-wide budget deficit in FY25-26 …
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We have just a few more days left in our inaugural Read-a-Thon and are SO close to our goal!! Including all the promised checks and matching corporate donations, we are expected to receive nearly $72,000!! Can we raise the final $8,000 over the next couple of days? Happy reading, Read-A-Thon 2023 Committee Pledge Envelopes Please return ALL pledge envelopes to your student’s teacher by Wednesday, April 5th. If you are returning cash or check donations, fill out the outer pledge form so that we can properly credit the donations to your student. If you have a paper reading log to submit, …
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The Yearbook Committee would like to thank all of the artists that submitted their work to be considered for our yearbook cover! There were so many great submissions it was very hard to choose. You are all so creative! Art Contest Winners and Recipients of Free Hardcover Yearbook: Front Cover: Madeline C. (5th, Mr. Taylor) Back Cover: Neriah L. (3rd, Mrs. Morgan) Inside Cover: Erin P. (5th, Mr. Gross) Honorary Mention Runner Ups: SDC: Massimo P. (Ms. Miller) Kindergarten: Delia M. (Ms. McCracken) 1st: Sophie P. (Ms. Wells) 2nd: Vera W. (Ms. Bliss) 3rd: Gianna B. (Ms. Suzuki) 4th: Jonathan …
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Read-A-Thon Dashboard | as of Monday, 3/20, 11:00 am Students Registered: 358 (60% of all students!) Minutes Read: 67,755 (that’s over 47 days’ worth of reading!) Dollars Raised: $39,500 (49% to goal!) Incredible! Only one full week in, and we are almost halfway to our fundraising goal! Last Friday, we announced the prize drawing winners, which included any students who had their Pledgestar site set up. The winners are listed below, and prizes were dropped off in teacher boxes this morning. Congratulations to all the winners! SDC Brendon Wong TK Tyler Lai Jordan Kapash K Yael Singer …
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Read-A-Thon Dashboard, 3/13,1:20 pm Students Registered: 113 Minutes Read:166 Dollars Raised: $10,285 (!!) Holy cow, wow what an amazing start to our Read-A-Thon!! This week’s goal is to get 50% of our students registered for their Pledgestar site. And any students with their website set up by Thursday, 3/16, will have their names entered into the prize drawing. Two winners per grade will be announced at Friday’s morning ceremony and/or via email. Setting up your website is suuuuper easy! Go to Select “Not Registered For This Year’s Event.” Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit.” …
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